Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bomb Squad Removing WWII Grenades on North J

The bomb squad has been called to North J Street in Lake Worth to remove grenades that were found in the home of a World War II veteran.

The lawyer for the veteran, who passed away about five years ago, was recently cleaning out the veteran’s home after the death of the veteran's wife when he found the two grenades. He brought them to his office at 101 North J Street in Lake Worth and called the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office this morning to have them picked up. Sheriff’s deputies arrived and immediately evacuated the building, which sits just across J Street from the Post Office, between Lucerne and 2nd Avenue North. The bomb squad and arson squad were called to the building to remove the grenades safely.

The PBSO asks anyone in possession of any type of potentially explosive military device to not touch the items, but to immediately call law enforcement to have them removed properly.

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